Nigel Coates

Born in 1949 and educated at the Architectural Association, Nigel Coates is a renowned British architect and designer. He has continuously experimented and explored within his field, pushing its boundaries and connecting it to semiotics, craftsmanship, and contemporary culture. With his first commission in Japan in 1985, he founded Branson Coates Architecture. His portfolio of projects in the UK and Japan includes the Wall and Art Silo in Tokyo, the Hubs in Sheffield, the Geffrey Museum in London, and the Body Zone of the Millennium Dome. In recent years, Coates has also amassed an extensive catalog of furniture and lighting.

In 2006 he opened his architecture and design studio in London. Its headquarters in Bloomsbury is a combination of architecture laboratory, showroom, and gallery. From 1995 to 2011, Coates served as the head of the architecture department at the Royal College of Art. He is Professor Emeritus and chair of the Academic Court at the London School of Architecture. In 2012, he was awarded the Annie Spink Award for excellence in architecture teaching. From 2008 to 2014, Coates served as president of the jury at the Pavilion of Art & Design in London.

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